The Art of Being Venn

I was going to talk more about the Zika virus this month, but honestly, I'm too tired for serious. I have a fellowship application due next month and I'm all serioused-out. So instead, I'm going to talk about one of my pet peeves: poorly drawn Venn diagrams. You may not…

Zika virus: The Criterion Collection

If you're not familiar with the link between the recent outbreak of Zika virus and an increase in microcephaly cases, I highly suggest you read this post first (mainly because I like tooting my own horn). Basically, the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have…

Zika virus 101

Let's talk outbreak. Nope, not the movie about Ebola, but a close cousin. Well, "close" as in, they're both about a virus originally found in Africa and that's about it. So, third cousin twice removed? Anyway, I'm talking about the Zika virus outbreak happening in South America right now, specifically…

What's in a graph

I have a confession to make. I am a graph addict. A data junkie. I make no apologies for this, it is just the truth. I realized this a few weeks ago when I came across a website that charts all the causes of death across age and separates it…

12 days of holiday myths

Happy holidays! This blog is a bit later than normal in order to perfectly time it with the beginning of the actual 12 days of Christmas! Yeah, I'm just kidding. I decided that putting up lights and drinking eggnog were more important. I just got lucky with the timing. I…

Correlation, causation and coincidence

Alternate title: Are you sure there’s fire at that smoke? I’ve written previously about curse words for scientists. One term that I didn’t include, but probably should have, is “correlative”. It rates right up there with “data trend”. It boils down to someone telling you that sure…